RNZ Article, Ruth Hill

I was pleased to be approached by RNZ reporter Ruth Hill, to share my thoughts. It’s a growing topic of conversation – should GPs be allowed to prescribe ADHD medication? A great read, it brings us up to speed on the current events relating to ADHD in New Zealand: the Otago University research findings highlighting...Continue reading

1 News NZ

Appearance on 1News

I was delighted to be able to contribute to a story on last night’s 6pm 1News (3 May 2024). I am really pleased to see that the subject of adult ADHD, with regards to both access to an assessment and medication, is being discussed and recognised in the media. There are numerous undiagnosed adults who...Continue reading

New Zealand Woman’s Weekly

The New Zealand Woman’s Weekly has been a treasured and popular women’s magazine for more than 90 years.  It was a delight to be able to talk more about The Missing Piece and Kiwi women with ADHD within its pages this week.   I’m honoured that fellow ADHDer Hayley Holt endorsed The Missing Piece: A...Continue reading

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