UK Summer holiday reading, anyone? THE MISSING PIECE will be available in paperback in the UK for release on 18 July 2024.
*UPDATE: Woohoo! Not only is THE MISSING PIECE available at WH Smith, it’s also available through Amazon UK, Blackwells, UK, Foyles, Hive and Waterstones.
Original Post: Well, that’s very exciting! WHSmith have started taking pre-orders online for ‘THE MISSING PIECE: A Woman’s Guide to Understanding, Diagnosing and Living with ADHD‘. Please ask at your local bookstore too – if it is not on-shelf they can order it in for you.
Pre-orders for the paperback are also possible via
Here are some latest reviews:
For anyone who has or suspects they might have ADHD, or for those who simply want to understand their loved ones better who have the condition, this book is a must! It is a validating comfort. Within its pages are honest first hand accounts from those with the condition, highlighting everyday struggles, with lots of laughs to be had in between, while providing an objective view of diagnosis vs no diagnosis, medication vs no medication. I felt understood and validated for struggles I have dealt with as long as I can remember.
[KATE, Mighty Ape]
Enjoyed the real life experiences and being able to relate ! Awesomely written and informative.
[MEGAN, Audible]
Let me know if you get your hands on a copy!